VALID: 13th – 17th June 2018
Conditions Apply – call: +94770885582
“Taking the Young & Young-at-heart from the confines of the Indoors to The Great Outdoors.
TGO Events – events that are for achievement and not just competitive sports is the hall-mark of TGO Events. While, there is merit in competitions, too much emphasis on ‘winning’ rather than ‘playing the game’ has brought about situations where ‘match fixing’, gambling and ‘doping’ etc., have brought disrepute to both the sport and the participants.
Action & Adventure Challenges are preparation to meet life’s challenges and all of what takes to face the challenges, overcome obstacles and perceiver on to achieve something. TGO Events are feats of mind and body, in which the race is worthy of running, as much as winning.
“Enjoy… Appreciate… and Respect mother-nature”
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